So Many Ways To Make A Difference…
Please click the links below to make donations to specific funds:
- YOM KIPPUR APPEAL — Please click here to make a contribution.
- General Donation — Supports the regular operation of the synagogue. Please click here to make a contribution.
- Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – Our responsibility To Help others – In addition to being dedicated to the spiritual growth of its members, Nishmat Am is also committed to assisting individuals and families on a personal level and in almost every life situation. Through this special discretionary fund, the synagogue is able to provide personal financial assistance to families in economic distress. Please click here to make a contribution.
NOTE: Zeffy is our secure payment platform. Zeffy does not charge Nishmat Am any transaction or processing fees which means we receive the entire amount of every donation. During check out Zeffy will ask for a donation to cover their costs. This is completely voluntary. If you do not wish to donate to cover Zeffy’s costs simply select “Other” from the dropdown box and enter zero (0.00) as the amount. This does not effect your donation or payment in anyway.
Please contact the office at 972-618-2200 or for the following opportunities to support Nishmat Am:
- Kiddush Fund — Sponsor a Kiddush after a Shabbat morning service or an Oneg after a Friday evening service. Please click here to make a contribution.
- Book Fund — Dedicate a Chumash (Bible) or Siddur (Prayer Book) in honor of a person or a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one.
- Furnishing a room — Check with our staff for specific items and pricing.
- Yahrzeit Memorial Plaque — A plaque is placed on our memorial board in memory of a departed family member. Please click here to make a contribution.
- Tree of Life — Inscribe a special message on our beautiful Tree of Life.
- Plant a Tree in Israel through JNF — Honor or remember someone, or mark a special occasion through Jewish National Fund’s program of planting a tree(s) in Israel. Call us and we can process this for you, including mailing of certificates. (See more below). Please click here to make a contribution.
- Scholarship Fund — We are committed to providing financial assistance to anyone who declares need. No one is turned away from Nishmat Am or it’s programs due to financial hardship. Donations to our scholarship fund support this important commitment.
- Sisterhood – Please click here to make a contribution.
Many companies offer their employees a matching-gift program. Namely, they will match your donation to the charity of your choice, thereby multiplying the effect of your donation. Check with your employer to see if they have a matching-gift program. If the answer is “yes”, then speak to them about designating Nishmat Am so we can receive a gift from your employer at whatever the match amount is.
This is especially relevant as you think of end-of-year donations. Thanks so much for thinking of Nishmat Am.
through Congregation Nishmat Am and the Jewish National Fund
You can now purchase JNF Trees in Israel through the Nishmat Am office (at $20 per tree). Contact us and we will process your donation for a single tree or several trees in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a beloved family member or friend. Call 972-618-2200 for assistance.
Congregation Nishmat Am’s Section at Restland Memorial Park
Regardless of your age or health, the purchase of a cemetery plot is considered a good investment because it allows you to purchase at today’s price with no adjustment in later years for inflation.
Additionally, it spares the family from the anxiety and costs of having to purchase a plot and pay in full under the pressure of time.
Nishmat Am has now established a section at Restland Memorial Park as a commitment and important service to our members and their families. A number of members have purchased plots.
For more information, call the office at 972-618-2200 and we’ll be happy to discuss this and answer any questions you may have.
Have you included Nishmat am in your will? No matter what your age, this is a sure way to insure a legacy of support. For more information, please contact Stanley Siegel or Rabbi Cohen. Call 972-618-2200 for assistance.
Three Additional Ways to Support Nishmat AM

You can now connect your Kroger Plus Shoppers Card to benefit Nishmat Am. Go to their website to register, or if you already have an account sign in and select Nishmat Am from the list or enter #83881.

Every time you use your Tom Thumb Rewards card you’ll be helping Nishmat Am. Click below to print out the Good Neighbor Program form and take it with you the next time you shop at Tom Thumb. On the form the Charity # for Nishmat Am is: 12057.