Your Family Has Been Looking For
Your Family Has Been Looking For

Spiritual and Cultural Needs
Spiritual and Cultural Needs

Friendships and Relationships
Friendships and Relationships

for Your Family
for Your Family

Candle Lighting is at 5:47 PM
Friday, February 7th
6:30 PM Evening Services in the Borin-Black Sanctuary
Saturday, February 8th
8:30 AM Torah Study in the Fulero Family Library
9:30 AM Shacharit (Morning Services) in the Borin-Black Sanctuary
Kiddush following service.
Sunday, February 9th
10:15 AM Biblical Hebrew
12:30 PM Gateways to Judaism
3:00 PM Tu B’Shevat Family Program (see below)

Family Shabbat Dinner Friday, February 28, 2025
Services 6:30 PM followed by dinner.
Experience Oneg Shabbat in the friendly,
warm and joyful atmosphere of Nishmat Am.
This program is sponsored by Morey and Caroline Glazer in honor of
their 34th wedding anniversary
Morey’s 85th Birthday and
marking the yahrzeit of Morey’s father, Simon Glazer
Menu: stuffed cabbage, chicken, brisket, grilled vegetables,
roasted potatoes, dessert, wine, beverages. (Vegetarian options please call the office.)
Discounted Cost for Nishmat Am Members: $20 Adults; $15 children 5 to 15 years old;
no charge for children under 5; $80 Maximum family in same household
Non-member Cost: $25 adults; $20 children 5 to 15 years old;
no charge for children under 5; $100 Maximum family in same household
You may now make your paid reservations for our Family Shabbat Dinner online by clicking here.
If you prefer to make your reservations over the phone, please contact the office at 972-618-2200. You may also email info@nishmatam.org.
Affiliate of The United Synagogue For Conservative Judaism