2113 W Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas  75023-4521
• Phone: 972-618-2200   • Fax: 972-618-2216   • Follow us on www.facebook.com/nishmatam.org

• Rabbi David S. Barnett   • Rabbi Emeritus Yitzchak Cohen   • President Les Schachter   • Executive Director Stanley Siegel


About Us




High Holidays

The Altman Family Religious School

Adult Education


Programs, Events and Activities



The Sisterhood of Nishmat Am is comprised of a dynamic group of women representing all ages who come together for a variety of activities.  The women have engaged in fundraising projects for the synagogue, organized shabbat dinners, studied together in ‘lunch and learn’ sessions and more.  From challah baking to book sales, these women volunteer wherever and whenever needed.  There is no charge to join and enjoy the camaraderie of these women of Nishmat Am.



Thank you to the members of the Sisterhood and its leadership – co-Presidents Gerri Patterson and Marcy Stollon – for its recent contribution of $1,800.00 to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.  This donation comes from the proceeds of the sale of an estate donation of women’s fashions and merchandise that the Sisterhood received earlier this year.  The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund supports individuals and families who are in financial distress and assist them in daily living needs.  This is the second such donation this year. In April, the Sisterhood donated $3,500 to the Rabbi’s Fund, also from the sale of the estate merchandise.  We are grateful to the Sisterhood for the energy and talents it brings to programming and the enthusiasm that drives its fund raising to support Nishmat Am and the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – which, in turn – provides basic assistance to people in need.



Congregation Nishmat Am
2113 W. Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, TX 75023-4521


Phone: (972) 618-2200
Fax: (972) 618-2216

We are located west of Custer, just east of Old Orchard, on the north side of Spring Creek Pkwy.
Stanley Siegel, Executive Director:  ssiegel@nishmatam.org   •    Dani Baumann, Office Administrator and Religious School: info@nishmatam.org