2113 W Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas  75023-4521
• Phone: 972-618-2200   • Fax: 972-618-2216   • Follow us on www.facebook.com/nishmatam.org

• Rabbi David S. Barnett   • Rabbi Emeritus Yitzchak Cohen   • President Les Schachter   • Executive Director Stanley Siegel


About Us




High Holidays

The Altman Family Religious School

Adult Education


Programs, Events and Activities


Schedule of Services

Friday Evenings
6:30 PM Shabbat Services in our Borin-Black Sanctuary

Shabbat Mornings
9:30 AM   Shacharit (Morning Services).  Kiddush following services in the Nishmat Am Social Center.
10:00 AM   
Child Care (all ages)

Weekly Shabbat and Friday night services, as well as holiday services, are inspiring and meaningful for all who attend – members, guests, visitors or drop-ins from the neighborhood. Services are distinct in their spirited, animated atmosphere and inclusiveness. As an egalitarian synagogue, we invite women to participate equally at all levels of our services.

Our uplifting services are also the venue for Bar/Bat Mizvahs, aufrufs, baby namings and celebration of other life-cycle events. Every service is followed by a Kiddush or Oneg which provides opportunity for socialization and for everyone to experience Oneg Shabbat (delight in Shabbat).

Friday night “Freilach” services – musical Kabbalat services, welcome Shabbat in the unique “Nishmat Am” way. Experience a spiritual, uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat service with music, song and dance! Our instrumental ensemble includes talented performers from among Nishmat Am members.

NOTE:  During the school year (Sept-May) we have several Family Shabbat services which begins at 7:00 pm.  Members of our religious school participate in this special service for families with children of all ages.  Please check the calendar for dates.


Congregation Nishmat Am
2113 W. Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, TX 75023-4521


Phone: (972) 618-2200
Fax: (972) 618-2216

We are located west of Custer, just east of Old Orchard, on the north side of Spring Creek Pkwy.
Stanley Siegel, Executive Director:  ssiegel@nishmatam.org   •    Dani Baumann, Office Administrator and Religious School: info@nishmatam.org